Pub & Night Club Cleaning Services

Home » Pub & Night Club Cleaning Services

Pubs are one of the most difficult environments to clean. This is a big challenge for cleaning companies. Pubs also require a diverse knowledge of applicable cleaning methods.

Pub & Night Club Cleaning Sydney=

Pubs are one of the most difficult environments to clean. This is a big challenge for cleaning companies. Pubs also require a diverse knowledge of applicable cleaning methods.

For example, cleaning companies are required to have skill and knowledge in how to clean many glass walls, windows, and how to remove the grime and mess from floors covered in spilt drinks. And as the toilets are used by many people they often suffer severe odour. The cleaning company is required to have the knowledge and skill to fix these situations.

We at S.B.H.I Services, have over 10 years of experience in the field of commercial cleaning and we have developed knowledge on how to resolve these difficult issues. If you are concerned with any of the problems mentioned above, please contact S.B.H.I Services now.

Annual Free Services for Night Clubs Cleaning Sydney

You can choose one of the services for free.

  • Free carpet cleaning (Once Minimum, to a Maximum of four times per year)
  • High situation outdoor window cleaning (up to 15m in height)
  • High pressure cleaning for tile grout on bathroom walls
  • Steam cleaning for couches (Once Minimum, to a Maximum of twice per year)

Worried about the quality of free services not being on par with paid services?

Currently, SBHI is in charge of over 100 locations including many luxury restaurants and clubs in Sydney, maintaining their cleanliness and upkeep. To date, there have been no complaints; all clients are satisfied. All of SBHI’s free services have the same quality as their paid services.

  • The frequency of the free services may vary depending on the terms of each contract, and the services chosen by clients.
  • The price of our special offers may vary depending on the terms of the contract and the service chosen by clients.


We do not charge exorbitant fees overcharge for small tasks, or charge for any task that we did not do. We would love to provide value-added services for your business. Definitely, you will smile when you choose SBHI, so please do not hesitate to contact us and get a free quotation ASAP.